Thursday, August 29, 2013

Dating before the divorce is final

Dating before the divorce is final. That is the topic of my newsletter today. What is your opinion?

To sign up to receive the complimentary "On Life and Love After 50" newsletter, follow this link:

Link to "On Life and Love After 50" newsletter.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Woman on "don't settle"

One of the topics on this website is "Don't Settle." One of my women readers sent this comment regarding not settling:

"Last week I met up with three other ladies (made 2 new friends thanks to my friend). We had a nice light dinner, a few drinks and lots of laughs. People in the bar came over to see why we were having so much fun!

"All of us agreed that we don't need to have a man in our lives, however if a special man came along, who added to the quality of life we now have, we wouldn't say no! No settling here!" 

Friday, August 16, 2013

Getting started with this blog

Welcome to the new Finding Love After 60 website. This is the sister site to Finding Love After 50, but written with more of a concern for singles in their 60s, 70s, 80s, and yes, even 90s. I would like you to post your comments here and we can have an open discussion forum.

So, feel free to be among the first people to post a response to this opening blog post. I'd like to hear what type of articles you'd like posted on the website, that is, what topics: Marriage, divorce, widow and widower related articles, where are the men, who pays, living arrangements--that type of thing.

Thanks for helping me get this started.
